12 Tips for Disease Prevention

Tip 1: Wash Hands

Tip 2: Wear Surgical Mask When Coughing

Tip 3: Stay at Home When You Are Sick

Tip 4: Take Medicine for Two Weeks to Prevent Spread of TB

Tip 5: Eat Cooked Food and Drink Boiled Water

Tip 6: Receive Vaccinations on Time

Tip 7: Clean Up Mosquito-breeding Areas

Tip 8: Wearing Light-colored Clothing, Long Sleeves and Long Pants to Prevent Insect Bites

Tip 9: Avoid Touching Poultry and Birds

Tip 10: Use Condoms Correctly

Tip 11: See Doctor Quickly When You Are Sick

Tip 12: Disease Prevention Direct Line (1922)