In the spirit of health service, the Campus Health Services Section promotes the health condition of faculty, staff and students to create a safe working and learning environment, advance students’ health knowledge, cultivate good health attitudes and behavior, and establish complete processing functions.
- Provide medical assistance for university activities, handle medical emergency management, and send patients to hospital.
- Assist with medical consultations, health consultations, wound dressings, and medical equipment sterilization.
- Clinic affairs and related official document management, evaluation data collection for the Section.
- Volunteer training and management for the Section, and other special assignments
- Related health education activity merit and demerit affairs, official leave management, and Student Medical Network Record updates.
【Taipei Campus】Medical Consulting Services
- Monday 09:00~12:00
- Tuesday 09:30~12:30
- Wednesday 10:00~13:00
- Thursday 14:00~17:00
- Friday 09:00~12:00
Notice: If changed, notices will be posted on the the bulletin boards of Campus Health Services Section, Women's and Men's Dormitories and Office of International Student Service Section.
【Taoyuan Campus】Medical Consulting Services
- Monday 14:00~16:00
- Tuesday 14:00~16:00
- Wednesday 14:00~16:00
- Thursday 10:00~12:00
- Friday 14:00~16:00
Notice: If changed, notices will be posted on the Health Center bulletin board every Monday.

Duties and Responsibilities
- Supervise Taipei and Taoyuan campus health service affairs.
- Taipei campus foreign students’, Mainland China students’ health checkup affairs and data management.
- Taipei and Taoyuan campus health promotion activities.
- Recheck, follow up and counsel on specific disease cases (infectious disease and chronic disease) on Taipei Campus, and archive data.
- Taipei campus blood donation activity.
- Taipei campus Class Sanitation Coordinators’ meeting.
- Taipei campus MOE Student Affairs and Counseling budget activities.
- Process inventory, purchase, maintenance and application of medical appliances on both Taipei and Taoyuan Campus.
- Update and publish information on health care bulletin on Taipei Campus.
- Distribute Ming Chuan Health Journal on Taipei Campus.

Duties and Responsibilities
- Handle matters of health check-up affairs and data management for faculty and staff members on Taipei Campus.
- Handle matters of notification, re-check notification and data processing of students with abnormal conditions for faculty and staff members on Taipei Campus.
- Handle matters of health education on chronic disease and dietitian counseling arrangements for faculty and staff members on Taipei Campus.
- Handle matters of health education promotion, outcome reports and file management for faculty and staff members on Taipei Campus.
- Handle matters of health service and official document at affiliated campus clinic on Taipei Campus.
- Analyze health education activities survey data for faculty and staff members on Taipei Campus.
- Plan and execute faculty and student first-aid training activity on Taipei campus.
- Collect and manage documents related to health for faculty and staff members on Taipei Campus.
- Handle and archive official documents and files related to Bureau of Labor Insurance.
- Handle matters of work-study student management and payment on Taipei Campus.
- Handle matters of maintenance and disposal of public property on Taipei Campus.